"The Shenzhen Bao'an People's Court, in announcing its decision, said the head of a Chinese electronics-accessories manufacturer allegedly paid a former employee and a then-active employee of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. for information about the iPad 2 in order to produce protective cases for the device. Hon Hai, known by its trade name Foxconn, makes the iPad 2 and other gadgets for Apple in its factories in China."
It is so pathetic, how these Chinese / Taiwanese people think, oh gosh!! Three people are going to prison in sentences ranging from a year to a year and a half for helping a case-maker get a jump start on the competition. An additional fact, Hon Hai has become the world's biggest contract manufacturer of electronics in part because of its ability to protect the secrets and technology of its clients, which also include HP Co., Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and Nintendo Co.
So let me make a serious guess, this is how we get those expensive gadgets in Chinese versions in local market sometimes even before they are marketed.
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